Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Dream Come true

Good heavens!  Where do I start?

Publishing my work has been a long time process.   I always dreamed of being a published author.  No I don't think I'm going to be the next best selling author.   But I think as an independent writer starting off publishing to e-books and getting them into Amazon or through Barnes and Noble etc is a great start.  And best of all its free.

I digress.  I do have to say that I want my books in print.  Why?  I dunno - just having it in print just seems cool and well some of the people  know don't have e-books or the like and they actually prefer the book itself.   That is a very costly endeavour.   But well worth the cost.   I think after the last two i am working on getting published i will stop with the book in print as i just cannot afford it.   I think maybe i will just have it printed off at a printers (or print it myself) and have it bound.  That way I have a copy of it in print.  May not be the 'same' but it still is a printed copy.  

I am hoping to keep up with this blog... as my others seem to have gone to the wayside unfortunately.  I get busy and forget about blogging but as an aspiring writer i think I had better bite the bullet and keep up with this blog.  LOL

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